
Tunes: A Comic Book History of Rock and Roll

TUNES: A COMIC BOOK HISTORY OF ROCK AND ROLL Edited by Vincent Brunner (Universe)
Comics about music are usually clunkers, but this French collection does justice to its 30 subjects, (including Elvis, Jimi, the Clash, AC/DC and the Pixies). Band anecdotes mix with impressionistic lyric interpretations and subjective fan stories, most lovingly and beautifully rendered (just ignore the clunky, tired CHEAP THRILLS cover pastiche).

Bar Rescue Season 2

Lumbering, abrasive “bar expert” John Taffer steamrolls through failing drinking establishments, changing names and themes, firing workers and adding “flair” in an effort to fulfill the show’s title. As a bartender (whom Taffer would probably axe), I find his techniques and ideas hit-or-miss, but the show itself is addictive.

Louie Season 3

LOUIE Season 3
What was once an agonizingly funny show has become simply agonizing. If you love pathos and melancholia, it’s an incredibly successful, well-executed television program (and remains worth watching for its rare auteur status). But with entire episodes that lack one single laugh, one thing LOUIE ain’t… is a comedy.